
The Alabama Visual Arts Network is a 501c3 nonprofit organization working to cultivate understanding, awareness and appreciation of visual art and the role it plays in the economic vitality and quality of life of every Alabamian, and as an important cultural and community resource. We support and promote visual art and artists through education, public engagement and professional development, and we serve as an advisory panel to assist visual artists and organizations in consolidating professional projects that further visual art excellence for the mutual improvement, cultural benefit and social enlightenment of artists and the public.


To create and promote a culture in which visual art is embraced for its contribution to community, economy and human fulfillment.


  • Advocate for and promote visual art as an important cultural and community resource.

  • Support and promote professional artists, craftspeople and makers through education, public awareness and professional development.

  • Cultivate audience understanding, awareness and appreciation of visual art practices.

  • Serve as a funding conduit and advisory panel to assist artists, craftspeople and organizations in consolidating professional projects that further excellence in craft and artistry.

Diversity, Equality, Accessibility and Inclusion Policy

We want to be recognized as a great organization that uplifts all Alabamians, is sustainable and one which we all can be proud to be part of. To achieve this, we recognize the importance of establishing a fair and inclusive environment, where all people are valued, their differences are respected, and discrimination is eliminated.


  • Respecting and upholding the human rights and dignity of all people.

  • Providing safe environments for all people to work and participate in our programs and activities.

  • Creating a culture where all people feel able to speak up about any concerns.

  • Addressing any instances of inappropriate or unacceptable behavior such as harassment, bullying, discrimination, and victimization.


  • We will support board, staff, members, and program participants to uphold the commitments we make in relation to diversity and inclusion.

  • We will treat you with dignity and respect, regardless of any personal characteristics, and in accordance with all federal, state, and local laws. For example, characteristics may include your age, a disability, marriage / civil partnership status, national origin or immigration status, pregnancy / parenthood, race or ethnicity, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation or gender.

  • We will provide guidance, training, and support to help our people deliver our diversity and inclusion commitments.


  • To treat everyone fairly, embracing differences and creating an inclusive environment in our organization and all programs and the wider communities in which you / we operate.

  • To keep current on best practices related to diversity, inclusion, and nondiscrimination.

  • To speak up if you face a situation where you are not sure what to do, or if you have a concern.

  • To use the channels available to you to do so and have confidence that no action will be taken against you if you report a genuine concern, whether any concerns are proven or not.


  • We will regularly review and update our approach and practices to maintain our focus on diversity and inclusion.

  • We ensure the principles of this policy are reflected in our employment practices and standard terms and conditions of employment and all program activities.